Environmentally Conscious Initiatives

The Noritake Group is focusing on manufacturing activities for environmentally friendly products and services.
We conduct pollution control activities and chemical substance management to prevent chemicals and other substances from contaminating rivers and soil, and to ensure that there are no adverse health effects on people.
We are developing products and services with the aim of achieving a 10% or higher ratio of net sales of environment-friendly products in FY2024.

Environmentally-friendly products

The target ratio of net sales for FY2023, the second year of our 12th Three-year Environmental Action Plan was 10%, and we achieved 9%.

Breakdown of ratio of environmentally-friendly products

Breakdown of ratio of environmentally-friendly products

Chemical substance management

We conduct chemical substance management that meets environmental-related laws for the Noritake Group. Chemical substance management consists of two parts: Screening and approval rules to control new use of hazardous chemical substances, and monitoring the amount of chemical substances used and transferred. In this way, we are visualizing the conditions of chemical substances used and working to reduce the use and emission of hazardous substances.
We also issue and operate the "Chemical Contamination Prevention Control Standard" that uniquely defines the structural standards and inspection standards of related facilities for the storage and use of harmful chemical substances, and we are striving to prevent the dispersal and leakage of chemical substances.

Initiative for biodiversity

Noritake Garden (Biotope)
Noritake Garden (Biotope)

In order to realize the "sustainable society" that the Noritake Group is aiming for, we are advancing the greening of our business sites as part of our efforts to promote biodiversity and aim for the preservation of nature and ecosystems. In addition, at Noritake Garden, adjacent to our headquarters, we are creating an environment conducive to birds, insects, and other wildlife, and conducting regular surveys to monitor the ecosystem.

Water resource conservation

In order to conserve important water resources, the Noritake Group strives to prevent pollution of rivers and other areas properly managing wastewater from its production processes. In factories that generate a large amount of waste liquid, wastewater from the process is collected so that hazardous substances do not spread into rivers and other areas, and some wastewater is recycled as washing water.


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