Sustainability at Noritake
Sustainability Initiatives
- Sustainability at Noritake
- Contribute to the Global Environment
- Contribute to a Convenient Society
- Contribute to the People’s Well-being
- Strengthen the Foundation
- Management Structure
The Noritake Group is developing and reinforcing its sustainability management structure, and accelerating efforts in order to resolve social issues to move toward the realization of a sustainable society. The following “Sustainability Fundamental Policy” was established in April 2023.
Sustainability Fundamental Policy
The Noritake Group has made "contributing to society through business" its fundamental management philosophy since its founding, and has pursued its business under the corporate motto of "Good Quality, Export and Co-Prosperity".
We will continue to aim for the realization of a sustainable society and the continuous improvement of corporate value.
- We will engage in business activities that contribute to the reduction of impact on the global environment.
- We will develop and provide products and services that contribute to a convenient society and people’s well-being.
- We will conduct appropriate information disclosure and engage in dialogue with stakeholders.
- We will strengthen governance and build a firmer management foundation.
Sustainability Promotion System
We recognize that initiatives aimed at addressing issues related to sustainability are our key management issues, and have established and operate a Sustainability Management Committee chaired by the President. The Committee develops policies, targets, and plans related to sustainability, monitors those initiatives, and provides guidance on required measures. Under the Sustainability Management Committee, Noritake's sustainability management is advanced through collaboration between the Environmental Committee, Quality Committee, Human Resources Management Committee, Compliance Committee, and Procurement Committee that deal with more specialized and individual themes and the Risk Management Committee, newly established in April 2024. Each Committee comprises executive officers and other management staff as members to promote initiatives together with relevant personnel from across the company. The Sustainability Management Committee meets four times a year. Progress of initiatives and key matters are reported to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also deliberates on those key matters and supervises the state of progress of initiatives.