Continuous provision of new value

Provision of new products

LHA Pad®

We have begun mass production of the LHA Pad® polishing tool for silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductors, an organic-inorganic hybrid structure product we have developed.
In addition, as a further development of our organic-inorganic hybrid products, we are varying the materials and properties of the organic and inorganic components, enabling expansion into a wide range of other applications.

Fine bubble generator
Fine bubble generator

In addition, Noritake has developed a fine bubble generator using the technology to uniformly control the pores of porous ceramics, which we have cultivated over many years in the production of grinding wheels. This generator creates fine bubbles without applying large force to the liquid, ensuring that the generation of bubbles does not lead to an increase in liquid temperature or alteration of its properties. As a result, damage to components or cells contained in the liquid is minimized. Leveraging these advantages, we are expanding its sales focusing on applications such as the cultivation of microorganisms and algae in the development of pharmaceuticals and food products.

Establish framework for creating new businesses

In fiscal 2023, we launched a development theme proposal system, which solicits ideas widely from all employees, and the Stage-Gate System, a new development process aimed at commercialization.
Ideas are solicited internally and reviewed through the Stage-Gate System along with the revision or elimination of ongoing development themes. We categorize themes by growth field, and engage in development by reallocation of resources—suspending stagnant themes while allocating personnel to growing themes or those that pass the review process.

New Business Creation Committee
New Business Creation Committee

Enhance core technology development capability

Noritake regards intellectual property (patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, etc.) as an important asset in the development of business that contributes to society. We have formulated and implemented strategic intellectual property activities optimized to each business environment, and continually strive to generate, acquire, and utilize intellectual property that activates business growth. As a result, by the end of fiscal 2023, we held 725 patents.
In fiscal 2024, we merged the Intellectual Property Department and the Planning Department to form the Intellectual Property Planning Department, further enhancing and advancing these activities. Moreover, we respect the intellectual property of other companies as an asset equally important to our own, and take great care to avoid any infringement.

Number of patents held


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