

Historical Zone

Historical Zone

This red brick factory building marks the origins of Noritake as a modern ceramics manufacturer and is where the company leaped onto the world stage.

Morimura-gumi, the trading company established by Ichizaemon Morimura, built Nippon Toki Gomei Kaisha as its first factory in 1904 in order to manufacture pottery. This red brick factory building, operated until 1975, exudes a charming atmosphere, and is without a doubt symbolic of Japan’s western tableware history. Feel free to walk around and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the time.

Stroll Guide

The Six Chimneys

The Six Chimneys

The monument of the six chimneys, each 8 meters in height, is the site of the tunnel kiln for pottery baking that was built during the factory’s renovation in 1933. The flue which channeled smoke released from the kiln to the chimneys can still be seen at the root of the structure. The 45-meter tall chimneys were removed except for the monument part during the factory’s relocation in 1979.